Asian Association for Public Administration

Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network


Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network

Best Paper and Practice Awards

2021 Akira Nakamura Award Winners: Congratulations to the winners

The AAPA Award Committee (composed of all members of the Board of Directors) chose the following presenters for the 2021 Akira Nakamura Award at the 2021 AAPA Annual Conference in Moscow, Russia.

The Akira Nakamura Award is the best paper award in the AAPA Annual Conference.  

They are as follows:

1. For Students:

Title: Grassroots mirroring under the new crown pneumonia epidemic: does community resilience affect residents’ response? — The Case of Shenzhen City    
Authors: Xu Jing,Zeng Zhenjian,Xi Zhenhua,Peng Zhencong,Xu Yuanyuan

2. For Scholars:

Title: COVID-19 Outbreak as Digital Laboratory and Citizens’ Co-production
– Considering accountability and trust
Author: Dr. Hiroko Kudo