Asian Association for Public Administration

Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network


Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network

Other Events

Call for video submissions of Public Servants in Action during the COVID-19 pandemic for UN Public Service Day

Dear Colleagues,

23 June is United Nations Public Service Day. This year, we will be celebrating the public servants who are supporting their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, often putting their lives on the line. 

To recognize the courageous work of public servants, UN DESA together with the Ministry of Interior and Safety of the Republic of Korea, is producing a video to show some of the innovative ways around the world in which crucial public services continue to be delivered during the pandemic. We will focus especially on the work of frontline workers, such as health care workers, but also on other types of public service provision delivered by public servants (e.g. innovative programmes to deliver vital social services during the pandemic including in education, social welfare, transit, research etc ).

We count on your help to provide video footage of public servants delivering public services  during the pandemic. Naturally, we will credit the author and the project/agency appropriately in the video. The video will be shown during a high-level online event on 23 June to celebrate UN Public Service Day and will be disseminated through the UN social media networks.

Please find below the specifications for your video contributions:

1. Short clips (0:30 – 5:00 minutes long)

2. If you are filming your video on a phone, please hold your phone in landscape (sideways) position

3. The video should show innovative public services and public servants in action (e.g. health care workers fighting COVID-19, teachers providing virtual classes, social workers helping vulnerable populations despite the pandemic, public health professionals, transit workers, sanitation workers or postal workers etc)

4. The video should be accompanied by a text description containing:

     a. Country and City or Town where the footage was shot

     b. Name of the project/agency/institution and, if desired, the name of the public servant 

     c. Short description of what the video shows

5. Submissions should be emailed to UNPSA@un.org with the title ‘UNPSD Video Submission’  and the name of the country it is being sent from.  If the file size is too large please email us a file sharing link. 

Deadline for submissions is 31 May 2020.

We encourage you to disseminate the call to relevant public servants in your networks. 

Thank you in advance,

Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs