Dr. Alex Brillantes, Jr., AAPA President, represented the organization at the 2019 Astana Civil Service Hub Annual Conference on Values, Trust and Technology on 12-13 June 2019 at Kazakhstan. The plenary session was graced with the presence of the United Nations Undersecretary General and the Chair of the United Nations International Civil Service Commission who delivered the keynote speech. It was also with the ACSH Chairman Alikhan Baimanov who is also an AAPA Board Member, and Keping Yao, Senior Governance and PA Expert of the UNPOG of UNDESA. AAPA became a part of the Peer to Peer Alliance on Transformation and Innovations in Governance launched during the conference.
AAPA extends its congratulations to Dr. Alikhan Baimanov, AAPA Board Member and chair of the ACSH, for the success of this conference.