Asian Association for Public Administration

Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network


Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network


A New Category: Life Member

The AAPA Board of Directors Meeting was held at the 2016 AAPA Annual Conference in Thailand and recommended to create a new membership category (Life Member, US$500) and it was approved in the General Assembly at the 2016 AAPA Annual Conference in Bangsaen, Chonburi Province, Thailand on February 20, 2016. If you are interested in joining AAPA as a life member, please contact AAPA Executive Secretary, Mr. Ry Taein Park, at aapa@yonsei.ac.kr anytime.

Current “Life Members” are as follows:

Akira Nakamura (Japan)

Pan Suk Kim (South Korea)

Osamu Koike (Japan)