Asian Association for Public Administration

Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network


Fostering excellence in public
administration research, education, and
practice in the Asian region

Special Consultative Status granted by the UNECOSOC
AAPA is a partner of the UN
Public Administration Network

Study Groups

Call for AAPA Study Groups

Study groups should blend research leadership with institutionalization of various issues: public management, civil service reform, e-government, public policy, public sector reform, human resource management in government, budgeting and financial administration, organization theory and behavior, public leadership, social welfare, local and urban administration, administrative law and regulation, disaster and crisis management, etc.

Having so, members can make a panel proposal and identify who is interested in what. Study groups can work together on their area of interest as co-authors. Interested members should write a one page proposal including a designated study coordinator and several members and send it to AAPA Secretary at aapa@yonsei.ac.kr anytime.