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  • Call for AAPA Study Groups

    Study groups should blend research leadership with institutionalization of some kind (HRM, e-gov, public policy, gender, administration, public leadership, etc.). Having so, members can make a panel proposal and identify who is interested in what. Study groups can work together on their area of interest as co-authors.Interested members should write a one page proposal with a designated study coordinator and several members. Junior faculty members may form a doctorate seminar during the annual conference.If members are interested in study groups, special book projects, and/or joint seminars, please let us know at

Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA) 아시아행정학회(亞細亞行政學會)

Address:Room 423, Law School Building, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongro-gu, Seoul 03063, South Korea. 

Telephone: +82-2-740-1880 Fax: +82-2-740-1880; Email:

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